
Sunday, December 30, 2012

Sunday night Q's

A few questions for tonight:

How old were you when you started cross stitching?

Who taught you?

How long did it take you to learn?

What was your first project?

Memories of your first stitchings...?


  1. I have been doing some kind of needlework since I was young. 1st stamped cross stitching, candlewicking etc. My Mom started me then, but counted cross stitch is self taught. I really can't remember the 1st one, but the company I order from had mostly sayings with borders. I still have the Serenity Prayer that I did.

  2. I first did a stamped cross stitch sampler when I was 11. I still have it framed and up in my bedroom now. It says Truth & Honor. Nobody taught me since I just read the directions in the kit.
